
It's time to add something NEW to your annual planning

How about going beyond sales planning this year? Annual planning is the perfect time to reflect on the company, its model, its market, and the paths for the future. Blocks has a set of services formatted specifically for this time to look to the future, both for companies that are not yet sure about the need for a reformulation or the direction to follow, and for companies that already have a general vision of their new direction, but have not yet defined how and when to start this transition. Our services focused on annual planning include exposure degree assessments of the business model, design thinking workshops focused on new models, creation of transformation projects and reformulation, risk analysis, assessment of teams and individual profiles for transformation scenarios, and various types of workshops and trainings in methodologies, tools and best practices for business transformation. Regardless of the size or stage of your company, Blocks has services that can provide completely new insights and perspectives to think about and plan for the next year (and the next decade).

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