Privacy Policy

BLOCKS is a company that offers software and components for business management platforms. If you are a customer or are interested in BLOCKS products, some of your personal data and that of your employees and customers may be collected so that we can offer our products and services.

  1. Collected data
    If you are a potential or current customer of BLOCKS, the following data about you may be collected:
    1.1. Data collected through browsing the website
    IP, date and time of access, geographic location, browser type, duration of visit and pages visited, data about the access device (operating system and browser type and version).
    1.2. Data collected by Contact Us
    Name, email, phone, company and position.
    1.3. ‍‍Data collected when filling out the form for a free trial of the paid version of any component offered by BLOCKS
    Name, corporate email, position, telephone, company, password, payment details, management platform to which the component will be attached.
    1.4. Data collected at the time of purchase of any component offered by BLOCKS
    Name, corporate email, position, telephone, company, password, payment details, management platform to which the component will be attached.
  2. BLOCKS customer consumer data
    When consumers of BLOCKS clients voluntarily respond to a survey or research within one of our platforms, we collect data such as name, email, company they work for, and the responses provided by them.
  3. BLOCKS customer employee data
    When employees of BLOCKS clients voluntarily respond to a survey or research within one of our platforms, we collect data such as name, email, and the responses provided by them.
  4. Cookies: What are they and how does BLOCKS use them?
    Cookies are small text files stored on your browser or device. Cookies allow us to recognize your preferences to adapt our website and application to your specific needs.
    Cookies usually have an expiration date. Some cookies are automatically deleted when you close your browser (so-called session cookies), while others may be stored on your computer for a longer period of time until you manually delete them (so-called persistent cookies). BLOCKS may use the following types of cookies:
    4.1. Strictly necessary cookies, for our website and application to function properly. It is not possible to refuse these cookies if you want to access the website and application;
    4.2. Analysis cookies, to improve the content of the website and application, providing information about how they are being used in order to improve your user experience. They automatically collect certain personal data to identify, for example, how many times a certain page has been visited;
    4.3. Functionality cookies, to record data previously provided in order to improve the user's browsing experience.

The use of cookies is based on BLOCKS’ legitimate interest. Therefore, if you wish to refuse the installation of these cookies on your device and/or opt for the removal of cookies, you can do so by configuring your browser. BLOCKS is not responsible for the use of cookies placed by third parties.

  1. Who does BLOCKS share your personal data with?
    Sometimes, we need to share your personal data with third parties who provide services on our behalf, such as services contracted by us for hosting our databases and payment method services. Below we describe some situations in which we may share your personal data:
    5.1. Hosting service. The website and platform are hosted on servers owned by Amazon Web Services;
    5.2. Payment processing companies. All payments made through the website are processed through platforms such as Paypal;
    5.3. Access metrics companies. BLOCKS uses the Google Analytics tool to process and view access metrics;
    5.4. Advertising tools. BLOCKS uses the Linkedin Ads and Google Adwords tools to customize advertising and retargeting.
    5.5. Public authorities. If an authority with legal competence, such as the IRS, requires BLOCKS to share certain personal data, we will need to share that information.
  2. Does BLOCKS transfer your personal data to other countries?
    We may, for example, transfer your Personal Data to the company responsible for hosting our databases or to the payment method company, whose headquarters are located abroad. Such transfers only involve companies that demonstrate compliance with applicable data protection laws and maintain a level of compliance similar to or more stringent than that provided for in applicable Brazilian legislation.
  3. Rights as the holder of personal data
    Personal data is yours and Brazilian law guarantees that you have a series of rights related to it, such as:
    7.1. Confirmation and access
    It allows you to check whether BLOCKS processes your personal data and, if so, request a copy of the personal data we have about you.
    7.2. Correction
    Allows you to request the correction of your incomplete, inaccurate or outdated personal data.
    7.3. Anonymization, blocking or deletion
    It allows you to ask us to (a) anonymize your data, so that it can no longer be related to you and therefore ceases to be personal data; (b) block your data, temporarily suspending your ability to process it; and (c) delete your data, in which case we will erase all your personal data without the possibility of reversal, except in cases provided for by law. However, the request may only be met if such data is excessive, unnecessary or processed in non-compliance with the law.
    7.4. Portability
    You have the right to request, upon express request, that BLOCKS provide you, or a third party of your choice, with your personal data in a structured and interoperable format, for transfer to another service or product provider, provided that it does not violate the company's intellectual property or business secret.
    7.5. Information about sharing
    You have the right to know which public and private entities BLOCKS shares data with. We will keep the list of types of partners with whom we share data up to date in this Policy. In any case, if you have any questions or would like further details, you have the right to request this information from us.
    7.6. Information about the possibility of not consenting
    It allows you to have clear and complete information about the possibility and consequences of not providing consent. Your consent, when necessary, must be free and informed. Therefore, whenever we ask for your consent, you will be free to withhold it – although, in such cases, we may have to limit our services.
    7.7. Revocation of consent
    You have the right to withdraw your consent to processing activities that are based on consent. However, this will not affect the lawfulness of any processing carried out previously. If you withdraw your consent, we may not be able to provide certain services, but we will notify you if this occurs.
    7.8. Opposition
    The law authorizes the processing of personal data even without your consent. If you do not agree with this processing, in some cases, you may object to it by requesting that it be stopped.
    If you have any questions about these issues or about how you can exercise these rights, please feel free to contact us through the channels provided at the end of this Policy.
  4. How long will your personal data be stored?
    Your personal data is stored only for as long as necessary to fulfill the purposes for which it was collected, unless there is any other reason for its maintenance, such as compliance with any legal, regulatory, contractual obligations, among others, as long as they are based on a legal basis.
  5. What are our responsibilities and how do we protect your personal data?
    Our responsibility is to take care of your personal data and use it for lawful purposes, as described in this Policy. And, to guarantee your privacy and the protection of your personal data, we adopt security practices appropriate for our market, such as the use of encryption techniques and other information security measures.
    We work to protect your personal data, but unfortunately we cannot guarantee complete security. Unauthorized access to or use of your account by third parties, hardware or software failure beyond BLOCKS' control, and other factors may compromise the security of your personal data.
  6. How to talk about personal data with BLOCKS?
    If you wish to talk about your personal data, send an email to
  7. Changes to the Privacy Policy
    As we are always seeking to improve our website, platform, products and services, this Privacy Policy may be updated to reflect the improvements made. Therefore, we recommend that you visit this page periodically so that you are aware of any changes made. If any relevant changes are made, we will notify you.