Products and services

Whether for a large company or a small company, whether to transform the entire business or just a department, whether for those who are still looking for new options or for those who have already defined their path, we have a service that fits your needs and your budget.


Don't know where to start transforming your company? Start with one of our workshops


Combine in-depth content with online question-and-answer sessions, and put it all into practice in our in-person Labs to go from theory to practice


Get a unique assessment of your current scenario before you start practicing


Complete training, planning and implementation support packages

Planejamento anual

Set of services formatted specifically for this time to look to the future, both for companies that are not yet sure about the need for a reformulation or the direction to follow, and for companies that already have a general vision of their new directions, but have not yet defined how and when to start this transition

Commercial reformulation

Transforming a company always starts with transforming its sales area. We have created a package of services to support commercial transformation to accelerate, simplify and reduce the risks of this delicate process.

Image mapping

Before defining where we are going, we need to be sure of where we are. We have created the most complete methodology for mapping and analyzing corporate image, comparing the internal image with the market image, and using this mapping to generate more effective action plans.

Discover our mapping platform:

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