Your company's real market positioning is defined by the image that customers create of your business, and we can help you find out what it is, at a much lower cost than you might imagine.

Descobrindo como o mercado realmente vê a empresa

Market positioning

Before you think about repositioning your company, make sure you know how your audience views your company today. Do you really know why your company was chosen by your customers? Do you know why your customers stay with you? Do you understand the value your customers see in their relationship with your company? Are you sure? Most companies claim they do, but they have never asked their customers this clearly. This strategic data is usually inferred and assumed, creating a self-image that is far from reality and makes any transformation much more difficult. A Market Positioning Assessment is a type of assessment that, together with customers (especially B2B companies), surveys the real image that the market has of a company, and assesses the gap between the market's view and the company's view of itself.

Get in touch and learn more about how we assess your company's market positioning from your customers' point of view.